Top AI Face Generators Compared Features, Performance, and Pricing

Jane Doe


Here We will discuss about Top AI Face Generators Compared Features, Performance, and Pricing. The advent of AI technology has revolutionized numerous industries, and face generation is one of the areas where it has made a significant impact. AI face generators have become increasingly popular for various applications, ranging from digital art and gaming to more controversial uses like deep fakes and privacy concerns. With the growing number of AI face generation tools on the market, it can be challenging to decide which one is best suited to your needs.

Top AI Face Generators Compared Features, Performance, and Pricing

This article compares some of the top AI face generators, examining their features, performance, and pricing.


  • Features:io started as a tool for transforming photos into artworks using neural networks, but it has evolved to include face generation capabilities. This tool is particularly popular among artists and designers due to its unique ability to apply different art styles to generated faces. It allows users to input a base image and transform it into a face in the style of famous artists like Van Gogh or Picasso.
  • Performance:io excels in creating artistic and stylized faces rather than hyper-realistic ones. The generated images often have a painterly quality, with brushstrokes and texture imitating traditional media. While it may not be the go-to for realistic face generation, it’s perfect for creative projects where the goal is to blend art with technology.
  • Pricing:io operates on a freemium model. Users can generate basic images for free, but higher resolution images and more complex styles require a subscription, starting at around $9.99 per month.
  1. This Person Does Not Exist

  • Features: This Person Does Not Exist is a website that leverages the powerful GAN (Generative Adversarial Network) technology developed by Nvidia. The website is simple: it generates a new, photorealistic face every time you refresh the page. The faces are indistinguishable from real photos, making it one of the most convincing AI face generators available.
  • Performance: The performance of This Person Does Not Exist is highly impressive. It creates highly detailed, realistic human faces with accurate lighting, texture, and expression. However, it lacks customization options. Users cannot control the age, gender, or ethnicity of the generated faces, which limits its usefulness for those seeking specific features.
  • Pricing: This Person Does Not Exist is completely free to use. However, there is no option to customize or save generated faces directly from the site, which might be a drawback for some users.
  1. Artbreeder

  • Features: Artbreeder is a collaborative AI tool that allows users to create and modify faces, landscapes, and other images through a combination of genetic algorithms and GANs. Users can “breed” faces by combining different traits, such as gender, ethnicity, age, and emotion. Artbreeder also allows for community collaboration, where users can share their creations and work on each other’s images.
  • Performance: Artbreeder excels in customization. It offers a wide range of controls that allow users to fine-tune the generated faces to their liking. The tool is powerful, generating high-quality, realistic images. However, because it relies on a collaborative database, the quality of results can vary depending on the input images provided by other users.
  • Pricing: Artbreeder is free to use with basic features, but premium options, such as higher resolution downloads and advanced editing tools, require a subscription. Pricing starts at $8.99 per month, making it accessible for most users.
  1. GANPaint Studio

  • Features:GANPaint Studio is a unique tool developed by MIT that allows users to edit and generate faces with a high degree of control. Unlike many other AI face generators, GANPaint Studio doesn’t just create faces from scratch; it allows users to modify specific features, such as adding or removing glasses, changing hair color, or altering the background.
  • Performance: The performance of GANPaint Studio is notable for its precision. The ability to make detailed edits to a face makes it ideal for projects where specific facial attributes are important. The generated faces are realistic and detailed, although the tool is more focused on editing than creating new faces from scratch.
  • Pricing:GANPaint Studio is available for free as a research tool. Its accessibility makes it a great option for users who need advanced editing capabilities without incurring costs. However, its functionality is somewhat niche compared to other face generators.
  1. Reface

  • Features: Reface is a popular app known for its face-swapping capabilities, but it also includes face generation features. It uses AI to generate faces that can then be swapped into existing photos or videos, creating realistic and often humorous results. Reface is primarily designed for entertainment purposes.
  • Performance: Reface is excellent at creating realistic face swaps, and its face generation capabilities are solid, though not as advanced as some of the other tools on this list. The app is designed for fun and casual use, so while the results are good, they may not be suitable for professional or high-stakes projects.
  • Pricing: Reface operates on a freemium model. The basic version is free, but a premium subscription is required to remove watermarks and access advanced features. Pricing starts at $3.99 per week or $24.99 per year.
  1. Zyro AI Face Generator

  • Features:Zyro, a website builder platform, offers an AI face generator as part of its toolkit. This tool allows users to create realistic faces with varying attributes, such as age, gender, and ethnicity. It’s designed to help web developers and designers generate faces for avatars, websites, and other digital projects.
  • Performance: Zyro’s AI Face Generator is quite effective for its intended purpose. The faces it generates are realistic and diverse, with a good range of customization options. However, the tool is relatively simple compared to more specialized AI face generators, and it might not meet the needs of users seeking advanced features or highly detailed faces.
  • Pricing: The AI face generator is included with Zyro’s website builder subscription, which starts at $2.90 per month. This makes it a cost-effective option for those already using Zyro for website development, but less so for users who only need the face generation tool.
  1. FaceApp

  • Features: FaceApp is one of the most popular AI face generation tools, especially known for its aging and gender-swapping filters. It allows users to upload photos and apply a variety of filters to change the appearance of the face, such as adding a smile, changing hair color, or even swapping genders.
  • Performance: FaceApp’s performance is robust, particularly in transforming existing photos. The AI does a good job of maintaining the realism of the face while applying various filters. However, it is more of a face modification tool rather than a generator, as it requires an existing image to work with.
  • Pricing: FaceApp offers a freemium model, where basic filters are available for free, but advanced features and ad-free usage require a subscription. Pricing starts at $4.99 per month or $19.99 per year.


Choosing the right AI face generator depends on your specific needs. If you’re looking for high realism and simplicity, This Person Does Not Exist is an excellent choice, especially given its free access. For more artistic or creative projects, and Artbreeder provide extensive customization and community collaboration options. GANPaint Studio is perfect for users who need precise control over specific facial features, while Reface is ideal for entertainment and casual use. Lastly, Zyro’s AI Face Generator is a good option for web developers, and FaceApp offers powerful face modification capabilities.

Each tool has its strengths and weaknesses, and understanding these can help you select the one that best fits your project’s requirements. Whether you’re a digital artist, web developer, or just someone having fun with AI, the variety of face generation tools available today offers something for everyone.


  1. What is an AI face generator?

An AI face generator is a software tool that uses artificial intelligence, particularly techniques like Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), to create images of human faces. These faces can be completely artificial (not based on any real person) or can modify existing images to create new faces or alter facial features.

  1. How do AI face generators work?

AI face generators typically use a type of neural network known as a GAN. The GAN consists of two parts: a generator and a discriminator. The generator creates images, while the discriminator evaluates them to determine if they look real. Over time, the generator improves by learning from the feedback provided by the discriminator, ultimately producing highly realistic faces.

  1. Are the faces generated by AI real people?

No, the faces generated by AI are not of real people. They are entirely fictional, created by the AI based on patterns learned from a large dataset of real human faces. This is why the results are so realistic; the AI has been trained on thousands or even millions of images to understand what a human face looks like.


About Me

Face Generator AI creates realistic human faces online for free, using advanced algorithms to produce lifelike and diverse results. Ideal for creative projects, this tool is trusted for its quality and reliability.